Richard Gibert
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Configure Android WireGuard Clients
Wireless Android Debug Bridge (ADB)
Ansible - Always cast non-string variables
Ansible - Key/CSR Generation with Vaulting
Ansible - Print all hosts in a group
Force Command Prompt on New Line in Bash
Loop Over Unique Pairings of Items in Bash
Enable side-by-side diff for larger terms
Ship Docker Logs to Loki
FFMPEG - Speed up audio of a file
Firefox - Forget HSTS
Firefox - Kerberos
Get All IAM Policies For a GCP Service Account
GitHub get main/master branch SHA
Git Global Ignore File
Setup Git GPG Signing
Grep through entire git history
Limit Git Clone to Just Master Branch For Performance
Managing your $HOME with git without symlinks
Git Multi-line Commit Messages From CLI
How to Push to Multiple Repositories with Git
Export a GPG Key
Generate a New GPG Key
List GPG Keys
Compress a File With GZip Without Removing It
Deploying Docker Images on Heroku
Deploying Python Applications on Heroku
Disable Homebrew auto-update
HTML Small/Basic Favicons
Simplifying Apache httpd setup with mod_macro
Kubernetes attach an ad-hoc pod to a PVC
Get a shell in a running Kubernetes pod
Get the pod logs from previous running instance
Kubernetes list all images in pods
List all events sorted by lastTimestamp
Get a list of pods and the node they run on
Get a list of pods sorted by memory usage
Manually trigger a job from a cronjob
Run an ad-hoc pod in Kubernetes
Wait for specific pods to be ready
Watch all warnings
Change Kafka Topic Configuration
Show Kafka Consumer Group Details
Show Kafka Topic config
Get the Earliest Kafka Partition Offsets Available
Increasing Partitions For a Kafka Topic
Consume Kafka messages with headers
List Kafka Topics
Reset Kafka Consumer Group Offset
Creating Service Principals in LDAP
Common LDAP Error Codes
Updating LDAP Service Principal Passwords
Configure Linux WireGuard Clients
Add Trusted Certificate Authority (CA) on macOS
Show CMD-TAB App Switcher on All Monitors on macOS
Useful macOS Apps
Automatically quit the printer app when job completes
Disable macOS boot sound
Disable Dock Bouncing Icons on macOS
Disable warning when emptying trash
Disable “Are you sure you want to open this application?” dialog
Disabling auto-hide scroll bars on macOS
Disable Touchpad Swipe Back on macOS
Disable warning when changing file extension
Sort Finder folders on top
Set list view as default in Finder
Show full path in Finder window title
Set Where Homebrew Installs Applications
Locking macOS Dock Content
Locking macOS Dock Size
Don't create .DS_Store files on network/removable volumes
macOS Network Speed Test
Add Default SSH Key Passphrase to macOS Keychain
Add Dynamic Hot Spare to Disk Group(s) in MegaRAID
Change Cache Config in MegaRAID
Create RAID-1 in MegaRAID
Create RAID-10 in MegaRAID
Delete Hot Spare in MegaRAID
Delete JBOD in MegaRAID
Delete Virtual Drive in MegaRAID
Get MegaRAID Enclosure ID
Show Critical Events in MegaRAID
Prevent sudo Password Prompts
Use prlimit to Increase Limits of a Running Process
Prometheus Query Core/Thread Counts
List PostgreSQL Vacuum Proccesses With Table Names
Show PostgreSQL Vacuum Process
Generating Base64 Encoded Strings
Get Python's Supported TLS Versions
Recursively Set +x for Only Directories
Redis CLI List All Keys
Environment Monitoring
Set SELinux Context for Container to Access Path
Splunk - Reverse Order Of Events
Auto-Accept and Ignore Changes to SSH Host Keys
Synology - Set Custom DNS Servers for Docker
Synology - Updating Docker Loki Driver
Synology - Setup Unprivileged User Docker Access
Synology - Enable Prometheus Formatted Metrics for Synology Docker
Installing Wireguard on Synology
Setting OS Limits with systemd
Show listening TCP ports without netstat
Verify port is available with netcat
Terraform init reporting bucket doesn't exist when it does
Certificate Best Practices
Convert PEM to PKCS#12
Convert PKCS#12 to JKS
Dump endpoint certificate to a PEM file
Generating a Key and Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
Generating a Self-Signed Certificate
JKS - Copy existing alias to a new alias
List an Endpoints's Supported Ciphers
Print all certificates in a bundle
Print Certificate Expiry for an Endpoint
Verify Certificate and Key Match
Using Tomcat’s CATALINA_BASE & CATALINA_HOME for multiple instances
KVM - Convert VirtualBox Appliance to KVM Appliance
KVM - Create VM Snapshot
KVM - Delete VM Snapshot
KVM - List Running VMs
KVM - List VM Snapshots
KVM - Restore VM Snapshot
Vagrant - KVM/libvirt Support
Setup WireGuard Server
Zsh Global Aliases
Zsh Suffix Aliases